Collage Works
I frequently use natural objects and other three-dimensional objects I find during my plein-air painting trips. My plein-air paintings are thickly painted, direct observations of nature. Unlike my paintings, the raw materials of my collages, because of the designs and images on them, are highly charged with personal and psychological energy. My choice of fragments of handmade papers, natural objects and other elements contribute to the energy and psychic power of the works. I know my collages are done when they no longer ask for more of these elements. The objects I collect, the treasures I keep for years, finally find their place.
I use the medium of collage to create poetry from the commonplace. I am fascinated by fragments of once beautiful and precious natural objects. I use paint, handmade papers, drawings, antique papers, maps, letters, sheet music, foil, text and images from old books, invented and Xeroxed textures and almost anything else to create my unique mixed media collages. Most of the images for my collages come together in a random way while exploring and inventing composition. As in the collage aesthetic underlying Surrealism, the pun, automatism and the element of chance play a role in these works. I also rely on the Surrealist technique of irrational juxtaposition and on the evocation of nostalgia in my works.
I use the medium of collage to create poetry from the commonplace. I am fascinated by fragments of once beautiful and precious natural objects. I use paint, handmade papers, drawings, antique papers, maps, letters, sheet music, foil, text and images from old books, invented and Xeroxed textures and almost anything else to create my unique mixed media collages. Most of the images for my collages come together in a random way while exploring and inventing composition. As in the collage aesthetic underlying Surrealism, the pun, automatism and the element of chance play a role in these works. I also rely on the Surrealist technique of irrational juxtaposition and on the evocation of nostalgia in my works.